Lazarus to Crowd: “What did I miss?”

What if, when Lazarus was commanded to come forth from the tomb, he rolled over and decided to stay where he was? What if he came out, blinked at Jesus, and said, “Christ, what do you want? I was sleeping so good!”

What if, what if?

So, a few years ago (about 10, actually), I started blogging about books, writing, movies… just about anything actually. And, to some extent, I lost interest. Actually, “lost interest” is putting it mildly. The world kept going, and not necessarily in a good direction. I’m looking at the world and my feelings oscillate between thinking that it’s going to Hell, and thinking that it’s going somewhere past Hell. Maybe a Circle of Damnation beyond the Circles we know about. A place so bad they spell it “Helllllllll” on maps. Maybe we’d all agree on that, but probably not for the same reasons. Maybe you think it got harsher, meaner, more censorious, more dangerous. Funny, this should be a Golden Age. Most days it feels more like a shower of stones…

But, giving up is a little bit like dying. I don’t necessarily like any “social media,” and I don’t necessarily think that it’s worthwhile to a writer’s peace of mind or productivity. I’m still writing, probably as much as ever, just not bothering to share much of it. So I’m back to sharing, and begging for optimism, both from myself and from any interested readers.

But now I’m back and going to push through. I have several projects on my plate I’d like to share. If they find a wide audience, great. If not, I spoke up. We’ll find out together. Or maybe just go back to sleep with a clean conscience….